Guides and Forms

This pages is an archived copy of guidance prepared for the public comment period associated with the Draft RMP/EIS that was released in late 2018. This comment period is long past, though this page may make it seem ongoing.

Islanders for the San Juan Islands National Monument has compiled the following Guides to help you comment on the Resource Management Plan.

Our Guides draw on information from local volunteers, members of the Monument Advisory Committee (MAC), past public input, conversations with BLM, personal experiences, and more. You may not agree with all of our recommendations, but please make your voice heard.

Next to each Guide, you'll find a electronically-editable comment form. These are identical to the BLM supplied comment forms, which you are free to use. We've adapted our copies to be easier to fill out and submit electronically.

All comments must be received by BLM by January 3, 2019.

Step 1: Download the comment form(s) you want to fill out

Step 2: Read the Guide that matches that form

Step 3: Fill out the comment form

Step 4: Send it in to BLM at (that's a long email address!)

Repeat as often as you want for any topics that deserve your voice

You should keep a copy of your comments for reference. Add your email to the cc or bcc line to receive a copy in your email of what you submitted to BLM. If you’d like Islanders for the San Juan Islands National Monument to archive a copy, which we could use in case there is any future uncertainty about what input BLM has received, cc or bcc We will not share your contact information for other purposes.

If you are filling out the comment forms electronically, make sure you save them to your personal computer first and edit that copy. Some people have had trouble saving changes they made in their browsers. See more instructions at the bottom of this page.

The BLM Draft RMP/EIS and all its appendices contain a lot of information. Do not feel overwhelmed by all this.

To better understand the various sites in the monument, we suggest you check out the Planning Process Primer and Guidebook. It describes the sites and gives you a sample of comments BLM previously received about management of each site. Note that the quotes listed indicate the range of comments but do not indicate how many people supported each position. For even more information on a specific site, consider reviewing BLM's Site Catalog.

Monument-wide Comment Forms

Lopez Island Sites

Lighthouse Sites

Other larger Sites

Groups of smaller Islands and Rocks

    • Islands Guide Islands Comment FormBlind Island, Broken Point Island, Fauntleroy Rock, Freeman Island, Indian Island, Little Patos Island, Lummi Rocks, McConnell Rocks, Mud Island, Oak Island, Park Bay Island, Posey Island, Reads Bay Island, Richardson Rocks, Skull Island, Twin Rocks, Victim Islands

    • Category A Rocks Guide Category A Rocks Comment Form“Category A rocks have some known recreational use as of 2016 and generally have less sensitive resources than Category B rocks.”East Sound Blind Island South, Kanaka Bay Islands, King Islands, Massacre Bay Rocks, Richardson Rocks (2 smaller rocks), Trinka Rock, Unnamed Rock (WNW Kanaka Bay Island)

    • Category B Rocks Guide Category B Rocks Comment Form“Category B rocks have limited or no recreational use as of 2016 and generally have more sensitive resources than Category A rocks (this includes all rocks formally identified as marine mammal haul-outs).”Barnes Rocks, Blind Bay Island Rock, Carter Point Rocks, Chuckanut Rocks, Davis Bay Island and Rocks, East Sound Blind Island North, John’s Island Rocks, John's Pass Rocks, Leo Reef, Lovers Cove Rocks, MacKaye Harbor Rocks, Mitchell Bay Rocks, Oak Island Rock, Outer Bay Rocks, Picnic Point Rocks, Prevost Harbor Rocks, Reid Harbor Rock, Reservation Bay Rocks, Rock Island, Satellite Island Rocks, Unnamed Rocks (Grandma's Cove), Unnamed Rocks (Iceberg Point Rocks), Unnamed Rocks (Jones Bay Rock), Unnamed Rocks (Pear Point and Danger Rocks), Unnamed Rock (Seal Rock), Unnamed Rocks (Shaw Island), Unnamed Rocks (South Lopez)

We may be updating these guides as we learn more during the comment period. If we make substantial changes, we'll let you know if you sign up for our email alerts. If you have important information for us to consider, email

Some features of these comment forms (e.g. saving partial work) may not work with older versions of Adobe Reader. You can install the latest version from Adobe's website.

Instructions for downloading and submitting comment forms:

  1. Click the form you need on this page.

  2. When viewing the form, use the Save or Download icon to store the PDF file to your personal computer. (Moving the mouse cursor over the edge of the form or a Mac's dock may encourage the icons to appear.)

  3. Save it to a location (e.g. your desktop) where you'll be able to find it later.

  4. Open the PDF file from where you saved it and fill out the form.

  5. Save your work! You can save the filled-out form as you go and return to it over several sessions.

  6. When you are finished filling out the form, print it out to give to BLM or attach the file to email you send to (yes, that is one long email address).

  7. We encourage you to keep a copy of your comments for reference. If submitting via email, add your email to the cc or bcc line to receive a copy in your email of what you submitted to BLM. If you’d like Islanders for the San Juan Islands National Monument to archive a copy, which we could use in case there is any future uncertainty about what input BLM has received, cc or bcc us at We will not share your contact information for other purposes.

A few Save or Download icons.

If you have any problems downloading the forms, email and we'll be happy to email you copies of any forms you request.

If you have problems saving the form you've filled out electronically, make sure you're using the latest Adobe Reader and/or print the blank form and fill it out the old-fashioned way with pen or pencil.